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Samarium cobalt magnet, is a rare earth magnet, is composed of samarium, cobalt and other metal rare earth materials through the ratio, melting into alloy, after crushing, pressing, sintering made of a magnetic tool material, with high magnetic energy product, very low temperature coefficient, the highest working temperature up to 350℃, negative temperature is not limited, at the working temperature of 180℃ or more, Its maximum magnetic energy product (BHmax), coercivity (coercivity), temperature stability and chemical stability are more than Ndfeb permanent magnet materials. It has strong corrosion resistance and oxidation resistance. Therefore, it is widely used in aerospace, national defense, military, microwave devices, communications, medical equipment, instruments, meters, various magnetic transmission devices, sensors, magnetic processors, motors, magnetic cranes and so on. The maximum magnetic energy product (BHmax) of a samarium-cobalt magnet ranges from 16 MGOe to 32 MGOe, with a theoretical limit of 34 MGOe. Samarium-cobalt magnets have two composition ratios, 1:5 and 2:17 respectively (samarium: cobalt atoms).


Samarium-cobalt magnets are easy to peel and break. Safety goggles must be worn when handling them.

Allowing magnets to crash together can cause the magnets to shatter, which can lead to potential hazards.

Samarium-cobalt manufacturing is made by a process called sintering, in which all materials are sintered and cracks are very likely to occur inside. Magnets do not have mechanical integrity and only have the function of preparing magnetic fields. Therefore, special mechanical systems must be designed to give sufficient mechanical reliability to the overall system.


1. Very coercive.

2. Good temperature stability (maximum operating temperature from 250 to 550℃, Curie temperature from 700 to 800℃).

3. Expensive and susceptible to price fluctuations (cobalt market price sensitive).

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