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Nd-fe-b magnet manufacturers follow the innovation of the automotive industry skills and human needs for energy conservation and environmental protection, low energy consumption, low music, less exhaust gas electric or hybrid vehicles have become the purpose of everyone. Bonded NdFeb magnets have the advantages of high magnetic function, small size and high efficiency. The motor efficacy of using NdFeb magnets is 8-50% higher than that of popular motors, the power consumption is reduced by more than 10%, and the volume and component can be increased by more than 30%. To complete the car to miniaturization, lightweight, high function and energy saving and environmental protection bias.

For a long time, the use of NdFeb magnets is very common, with the change of time, the era of science and technology continues to move forward, and the use of NdFeb magnets is becoming more and more obvious. It not only has a small size, light weight and strong magnetism, but also the most reasonable price in this society is the best magnet. The most important raw materials of NdFeb magnets are neodymium metal, pure iron, iron boron alloy and other additives, so Ndfeb magnets will have such good performance. Although magnets bring us a lot of convenience, but at the same time there are certain harm, such as keyboards, bank cards and other magnetic electronic goods will be magnetized by magnets.

Ndfeb magnet in the descaling, anti-scale occupation, water through NdFeb high-strength magnetization disposal, the water molecular bond at the same time ignition Angle and length deformation, hydrogen bond Angle reduced from 105 degrees to 103 degrees, so that the physical and chemical properties of water ignition series changes, water activity and ablation degree greatly improved, The calcium carbonate in the water in the cooking process flat differentiation into a lower solid calcium bicarbonate, not easy to accumulate on the wall, it is easy to be carried away by water. The degree of polymerization of other water increases, and the melted solid materials become finer particles. After the particles are refined, the interval between the two ions is smaller, and it is not easy to condense on the wall, and then arrive at the effect of descaling.

In the rare earth function data industry, high-function Ndfeb permanent magnet data are mainly used, and high-function NdFeb permanent magnet data products are mainly used in high-end use markets such as new power and energy saving and environmental protection, such as EPS and new power vehicles.

Ndfeb magnet as the third generation of rare earth permanent magnet material, has a high function, the use is also very common, but it should be noted that in order to prevent the damage of corruption, the application needs to be protected on the surface of NdFeb magnet, such as stopping electroplating with gold, zinc, and spraying epoxy resin on the surface.

What is the success point of Ndfeb magnet? In today's society, after thousands of years of development, today's magnets have become an essential functional data in our lives. Through the advanced powder metallurgy process, the composition of alloys with different data can reach and exceed the effect of the magnet, and can also improve the magnetic force to the maximum limit.

Artificial magnets appeared in the 18th century, but the process of making higher magnetic data was very slow until the 1920s to make aluminum nickel cobalt (AlNiCo). Subsequently, in 1948, Ferrite (Ferrite) was made, and in the 1970s, Rare Earth magnet (rare earth magnet) samarium cobalt (SmCo) was made, and NdFeB (NdFeB) was born in 1986, which is by far the strongest magnet in the world.

At this point, the physical magnetic technology has been further developed, the strong magnetic data also makes the components more miniaturized, 1999 Zibo Shengjin magnet to independent combination of 13000GS rare earth strong magnet broke through the professional precedent, and soon in the industry to promote, China's rare earth magnetic profession ushered in a new world.

The temperature resistance of the strong magnet is below 80 degrees, we just put the strong magnet on the fire for a few minutes, after cooling, you put it around the iron block, and found that he has lost magnetism and can no longer suck up.

The factor is that the strong magnet is magnetic because the iron atoms in the strong magnet are placed in a regular way. After it is heated, the original iron atoms are disorganized, and thus the original magnetic properties are lost. In the same way, we can also use other methods to degausse the strong magnet.

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