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Strong magnet is not common in life, this magnet is mainly used in the production of parts of the equipment and large car structure, many magnets in the NdFeb magnet suction is the strongest, NdFeb magnet can absorb its own weight 640 times the weight, it has three main parameters, respectively, are remanent Br, coercive force Hc, magnetic energy product BHmax, the following for you to introduce in detail:

Strong magnet storage need to pay attention to what

1、Strong magnets should not be close to electronic equipment, which will affect the use of electronic equipment and control circuits.

2、Magnets should not be stored in a humid environment to avoid oxidation, resulting in changes in appearance, physical properties and magnetic properties.

3、People who are sensitive to metal objects will have rough, red skin if they get close to magnets. If this reaction occurs, do not touch the strong magnet. 4, do not put the magnet close to floppy disks, hard drives, credit cards, tape, debit cards, TV picture tubes, etc. If the magnet is close to the magnetic recorder and other devices, it will affect or even destroy the recorded data.

The application of strong magnets

1. Application in microwave communication technology:

Ndfeb magnets need to be used in radar technology, satellite communication, remote control and telemetry technology, electronic tracking, electronic countermeasures technology, magnetron tube, magnetron traveling wave tube, cathode ray tube, circulator and so on.

2. Application in electrical engineering:

More than one-third of the output of rare earth permanent magnet materials is used to manufacture a variety of permanent magnet motors. The advantages of permanent magnet motors are copper saving, power saving, light weight, small size and high specific power. Electric bicycle motor, computer driven motor, lathe speed and speed measurement motor, elevator traction electromechanical machine, mahjong motor, refrigerator and air conditioning motor, wind motor, automobile motor and so on the application field is extremely wide.

3. Application in electroacoustic devices:

Such as speakers (speakers), microphones, hearing AIDS, stereo headphones (MP3, MP4), telephone receivers and electroacoustic sensors and so on.

4. Application in magnetic mechanical engineering:

Magnetic machinery includes magnetic drive, magnetic gear, magnetic brake, magnetic fixture, magnetic fishing, magnetic bearing, magnetic pump, magnetic valve, magnetic door, magnetic lock and permanent magnet jack, permanent magnet conveyor and so on.

5, the application of transportation:
The use of the same sex repulsion principle of the train is called maglev train; Modern luxury cars need 15-70 permanent magnet devices, such as: windshield wiper motor, oil pump motor, window opening motor, door lock motor, fog removal motor, automatic steam controller, starting motor, etc.

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